Missy Boss
Missy Boss

Started strength training at age 16

Started running at 43

Still proudly display the presidential physical fitness award

Never been defeated in a water treading contest

Can recite alphabet backwards


NASM Certified Personal Trainer

NASM Certified Nutrition Coach

NASM Certified Virtual Coach

Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach

Missy Boss

Physical education class was my favorite class all through school. I was a lifeguard, played basketball, and softball, and was a cheerleader. My first time strength training was for cheerleading where I learned that it was very satisfying to push myself to the physical limit. Overcoming and doing what others say I can't has always been my strong suit. These are things I am able to do and help others do on a daily basis in the gym.

Following a series of unfortunate events, I sacrificed my needs including my health so that I could devote myself to caring for other people. During this time I ended up having three spine surgeries. Not working wasn't an option. Pain pills were addicting, made me feel sick all the time, and only ended up making the pain worse. Injections were temporary and caused scar tissue which came with a whole new set of problems. It was actually my surgeon who said, "You can't change genetic spine problems, but you can slow the progression if you want to dedicate yourself to an exercise program and proper nutrition." Of course, no one wants to hear proper diet and exercise is the answer but I hired a personal trainer anyway. Needless to say, that really was the answer, and it completely changed my life. My pain is minimal and only treated with OTC meds, I am stronger than ever, I feel healthier overall, I look better, have way more confidence, and I actually, for the first time in years, started sleeping. It was such a profound change in my life for the good that I knew I had to share that knowledge with other people. My trainer pointed me in the right direction to get my personal training and nutrition certifications and so began my journey. This journey led me to JDFit where I have learned so much and am proud to be working with some of the best trainers in the industry. I walk out of work every day feeling so satisfied that we are making a difference and getting to watch it happen in real-time. I am still helping people, but now more effectively, armed with knowledge, and no longer sacrificing myself.

Witnessing people reach their full potential and knowing I was a part of making that happen is what makes my job the best job on the planet. You not only watch clients physically transform and do things they were once unable to do, but you also get to watch their confidence grow and their mindset change. Once people have confidence in themselves and a good mindset, they are unstoppable. When they are unstoppable, they achieve their goals and then I become a part of their story. That is an honor and unique to very few professions. It makes showing up for work every day a passion, not an obligation.