It is very easy for people to have their personal health fall to the wayside. After a long day of work or if the kids have kept you up all night, all you want to do is go home and sit there.
We have all been there. Life can be hectic and if you are lacking that intrinsic motivation, it can be very difficult to see your goals through.
At JDFit, we try to structure the variables that go into your motivation to nudge the outcomes in your favor.
Personal Training
Almost all of our business is coaching. Whether it is one-on-one or in small groups, making sure you are working with someone will go a long way in helping you achieve your goals. If you book with us, we are here waiting…and you are less likely to waste the money/miss training sessions.
Another side of our business is programming. We write a lot of workouts on a weekly basis and if you have a program delivered to you on your phone with videos, instructions and unlimited access to our facility, you will most likely complete more of your workouts.
In this scenario, it is not the tangibles of the program or that we are master program writers. It is the fact that you have it already written for you and all you have to do is go to the gym and execute.
Ease of Use
Another great tool is to offer flexible scheduling. As coaches, we did not get into this profession because we wanted a 9-5 job. We are here for people before work and afterwards as well. If you can offer more ideal times for clients, the greater the chances of them showing up on a regular basis.
When some of our clients go on vacation and they plan on hitting the weight room while they are abroad, we always send them a vacation workout. Not only does this go above and beyond normal gym procedure, but you are keeping clients motivated to stay training.
At the end of the day, success in the weight room boils down to consistency. If we can manipulate certain aspects of our business, we will increase the likelihood of our clients maintaining that consistency. And we know that if we are good every day instead of perfect once in a while, we will achieve all of our goals and then some!