Staying Athletic As You Age

Back in my twenties, a majority of my training sessions evolved around just strength training. I would maybe throw some core work in there but mobility, soft tissue work and flexibility did not make its way into my programs until much later. The more I trained for just strength, the weirder my overall ability levels felt. Indeed, I was pretty strong but I did not move well. Nor did I feel as if I could get up and do something that requires me to be slightly athletic. 

So…with the miracle of hindsight, I have a list of ways to preserve that ability as you get older. 

1.  Make sure you are doing mobility and soft tissue work

Sometimes it is the little things that have the biggest impact. If you cannot get into positions that you once were able to get into, then it is time to look at your warm up/mobility routines. Foam rolling/mobility drills are boring…but putting in 5 to 10 minutes of this kind of work will do wonders for your overall ability.


2. Low intensity agility work

This is a new one to our adult programs. We have our adults perform A-skips, shuffling, and snap downs. We have our athletes do these to preserve their achilles, patella tendons and hamstrings. Adults can get the same benefit from doing these low-level plyos and on the plus side, it makes you look a lot cooler.

3. Big, full body training sessions

Deadlifts, squats, presses, and pulls. Multiple muscle groups being used across multiple joints. Allows for greater movement and a better bang for your buck while training. Most importantly, it makes you have to produce force. Which will help your brain out as well.

4. Get-Up exercises

We all need the ability to get up from the ground. Especially as we age, the mortality risks associated with falling can be quite immense. All of our adults will practice some from of getting up from the ground to a standing position on a regular basis. This includes Turkish Get-Ups and its many variations.

5. Unilateral Training

If you have received any training from us, you know we love to get people on one-leg. Just like in sports, life is done on one leg at a time. So it makes sense to train in that fashion as well. 

6. Smart core training

We need to be able to move through the hips and not the lower back. So it makes sense that we train our core to resist certain positions. Anti-rotation/flexion and extension will allow us to train pain free while resisting unwanted movements in the process.

A lot of programs do not take mobility and other small facets of training into consideration.

Fortunately, we do!

If you want to learn more, make sure you schedule your free consultation here!

people working out in a group fitness class


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