Consistency Matters

I Need To Get Into Shape First

I have been coaching for 11 years and still to this day, one of the weirdest things I continue to hear is: “I need to get in better shape before I hit the gym”. More times than not, people want to start running for a month before they commit themselves to the iron overlord and sell their souls for bigger biceps. The orthopedic cost of running is another tangent that I will not address here but…I have always been bamboozled by that comment.

Consistency Gets Results. Intensity Sells Programs

Intensity is a relative term in programming that refers to the weight of a particular exercise being used. The closer you get to your one-rep-max of an exercise the higher the intensity. Most perceive intensity as how difficult your training session was. Flogging yourself into a coma will only get you so far.

But…intensity sells and people want to feel as if they just got done doing something

The mere utterance of the word consistency carries not only less meaning than intensity but it also carries responsibility. 

You have to show up multiple times per week even when you don’t want to.

You have to show up when it is inconvenient.

You have to show up when you feel tired.

You have to show up when you had a bad day at work.

A great skater squat video

Application Of Consistency 

When working with a coach, it is important to know when to press the gas and when to break from time to time.

Outside factors influence how we train on a daily basis.

Maybe you woke up at 2am and could not go back to sleep.

Or the kids kept you up all night.

Maybe you are running late and missed breakfast

These are all things that will impact your performance. We need to take these factors into consideration before our training bout. 

If a client comes in on 4 hours of sleep and not a lot to eat. We are going to tempo down and make sure they get through the session without folding like a lawn chair during the warm-up.

What we praise in this situation is the consistency.

Consistency is the base to our pyramid. The bigger the base, the taller the pyramid and in this metaphor, the height is equivalent to your overall success.

Need more consistency?

Want to learn how to build accountability for yourself?

Click here to schedule your free consultation and we will get you started!

people working out in a group fitness class


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