Accountability In The Weight Room

When working with youth athletes, it is imperative to create a culture of accountability. This is our first step in the development process. Our goal is to provide a loose framework for our athletes to operate in but not be too overbearing. We want the training sessions to be fun but we want the sessions to be their own. If these kids do not “own” it, will they ever work hard enough? Below are a few things we implement to get them to that next step.

1) Our athletes are responsible for their own programs. They write in their numbers, make sure they can associate the name of the exercise with the correct movement and make sure they keep a good pace. This is important because it is THEIR program. They take care of it.

2) First session for an athlete is very important. They need to learn our processes but need to know where to be. An example of this would be warming up. When they first come into the gym, every athlete grabs a foam roller or a lacrosse ball and starts their soft tissue work. They know where to do it and most importantly, do it without asking. We will coach this from a distance…but we should never have to coach this again. Most importantly, we have given them the knowledge to do so.


3) This is the big one for us. After some time, we allow all of our kids to pick out their own weights. They need to learn how to load appropriately. My only rule is…if they pick out a weight, it has to pass the eye test. Meaning, if it looks bad, the weight is too heavy. I will usually offer a weight range for them to choose from to start and allow them to progress if everything looks good. Again, this breed confidence in their abilities.

4) I have borderline crippling OCD. Our weight room is spotless most of the time. We make all of our kids rack their weights and we only help seldomly. That is a responsibility that will tranJDFit nicely to the real world as well.

5) We let our kids make their own appointments. This does get sketchy from time to time but…they made the appointment with us, now they have to show up. 90% of being an adult is showing up. If they can master this, they will go places.

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people working out in a group fitness class


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