3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Training Sessions

There are many ways to improve in the weight room. Most common is putting more weight on the bar over time. However, as you progress, there is another factor that is often ignored when training. That is the amount of work you can do in a certain amount of time. In other words, we want to improve your work capacity!

1. Track Your Rest Periods

Here is how this usually happens…deadlift something for 5 reps. Sit down, scroll on instagram for 10 minutes, get back up and do it again. 

We get all of our clients in the habit of monitoring their rest periods. Most of our adult programs are a series of supersets (which will help with work capacity) and this will allow them to achieve a good amount of work in as little time as possible. When they are between blocks, they continue when their 1 minute timer is up or when their heart rate drops to a certain threshold.


2. Leave All Distractions Outside Of The Gym

This one can be tricky. We have clients who own multiple businesses or just have really busy schedules. More than ever it is difficult to unplug from outside stressors.

It is easy to spark up a conversation with a fellow gym goer or scroll through social media for 10 minutes but, if you do that multiple times throughout the session, it is very easy to waste precious training minutes. Especially if you only have 40 minutes to train.

3. Make Exercise Selection Easy

When we write programs we take a lot of things into account. More specifically, we look at how much time certain exercises take to set up, tear down and instruct. If you are trying to improve your work capacity/time efficiency, choose exercises that are easy to set up and to implement. Some of our programs we write only have five exercises for the day!

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people working out in a group fitness class


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