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feel the burn?

When you introduce clients to a more “functional” way to train their midsection, you will get a couple questions. What…

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Recovery: The Best Kept secret

The fitness industry goes in cycles. Some things are in for a short while and that is soon replaced by something else that seems t…

Forcing adaptations through Change

I was doing a goal review with a new client the other day who completed their first month with us. This individual presented with …

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Make your body work for you

As I write this in late 2024 we are in the middle of an epidemic. One third of the adult population in the United States is obese …

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Assessments: Make it less complicated

I think we can all agree that performing an initial assessment on your clients is important. You need to ask questions. Get down t…

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Program or Coach?

Every week I have conversations with parents and coaches about programming/training modalities. Coaches see one of our athletes ex…

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the JDFit! Rough start to the holiday week with losing the heat in our facility and several …

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Pain vs Soreness

I am a strength coach by classical definition. However, I am not into titles so personal trainer, coach, athletic guy all are fine…

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Putting the odds in your favor

It is very easy for people to have their personal health fall to the wayside. After a long day of work or if the kids have kept yo…

people working out in a group fitness class


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